It is a monochrome police car of Mazda RX-8 of a feeling given at last. As you know, it is super sports, but a place of 4-passenger is miso. A police car of the traffic control lets you sit down on a rear seat to examine a violator, but it will be inconvenience when after all it is two doors in this case. In the case of a police car of sports type, GT-R or RX-7 have many two doors. It is one two そ point doors, but this place RX-8 4 is a door sportscar. The Metropolitan Police Department adopts this RX-8 which I appeared in 2003H15 year. It carries "an RENESIS" rotary engine of new development to occur in best output 250ps in spite of being the normal aspiration which does not adopt a turbo, and it is an article for freeway traffic riot police for specifications. A rolling stock of an image is the thing which participated in a ceremony I look at the Metropolitan Police Department beginning of the year, and to look, but seems from a sign of a roof with the eighth area traffic riot police position. There is not it in detail; do not understand that appear well, but think that say with the eighth area of the Metropolitan Police Department whether was the jurisdiction in the Hachioji-shi area. Then after all.